Saturday, August 24, 2019

Peter's farmer shop Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Peter's farmer shop - Essay Example Geography The location of the business is at Yorkshire, West Yorkshire, to be exact. He wants to exploit local culture and appropriate tourist base (Bangs, 2002, 102). Marketing Mix Product Peter at first wants to sell vegetables boxes to his potential customers then he has planned to develop new products that he can use to penetrate farmers markets and especially food festivals where the level of sales might have an incline. These products might be in form of food and drinks. Pricing Having the low price is unprofitable since the client does not care about pricing as a businessman thinks; therefore Peter should have average prices and compete on quality products and services for example transportation services e.t.c. He also should be able to prepare credit policies for potential customers. Promotion The question that Peter is going to ask is how will the word get out to the customers? Peter can use two types of promotion which are personal selling and advertising. Advertising in th e sense that when he takes his products to the farmers market he can put up a stand and use banners to describe and differentiate the types of products he is offering. For example if he is selling fruits and vegetables, he might have pictorial messages that display these goods so that even customers are far from his stand, they can be able to tell the kinds of products that are sold by him. Personal selling comes in handy when customers want to know how these products can be used apart from the mere fact of edibility. He may also use other forms of promotion for example; ‘trade concert’, ‘catalogues’, ‘seller incentives’, ‘advertisement’, ‘network of professionals or friends’ depending on his promotional budget. Place: We know that Peter wants a location that is local to him which is within West Yorkshire. So before he chooses a location for his business he needs to think about what he wants and needs in a location and its effect on clients. He should ask himself the following questions prior to the previous statement. -Is his location important to his customers? If yes, why? Peter should choose a convenient location in terms of distance to the place of business; therefore he should research on what the customers’ needs and wants are, compare it to his business product wise and choose the best location. Ease of accessibility to consumers. -Is it consistent with his image? Image is everything. It distinguishes one business from another. Peter should choose a location that portrays his image and the image of his soon to be business. If the image and the purpose of the business are different, Peter might end up losing important consumers. -Where is the competition located? Near or distant? The best location of competitors for him should be distant. This is to curb poaching of consumers by the competition which is River ford organic farm. The idea here is to retain customers as well as getting new ones. Market Place Customers Peter should be able to identify his target customers, their needs and wants and their geographical locations. He must analyze the end consumer so as to be able to formulate different customer groups which will guide him when he is constructing a demographic profile of them which includes the following:- Age Peter should identify different age groups and what kind of products they prefer. Gender Each gender prefers specific products. It is the work of

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