Thursday, August 22, 2019

Dalai Lama Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Dalai Lama - Research Paper Example About India he said that he was not satisfied with the present condition of India because though there is less violence but also there is too much corruption and exploitation. Dalai Lama directed Tibetan Government for certain periods between the 17th century and 1962. As per his view the institution of Dalai Lama may be abolished in the future. He won the Nobel Peace prize in 1989. Dalai Lama is also well known for his lifelong advocacy for the people of Tibet. He was selected at the age of 15 as the rebirth of 13th Dalai Lama and formally known as fourteenth Dalai Lama from the year 1950. The name of the fourteenth Dalai Lama name is Tenzin Gyatso remained the head of the state for the Central Tibetan Administration [Tibetan government in exile] until his retirement in 2011[March 14]. Tenzin Gyatso was born in the year 1935 [July, 6] in a small village of Taktser in northeastern Tibet. He was belonging to a Tibetan farming family. When he was at the age of three then his life was changed forever. He was identified by a search party of Buddhist officials. After that he was separated from his parents. He was transferred to a monastery for study where his elder brother was already studying in the same place and it reduced his pain of separation from his mother. In 1940 he was officially introduced as the spiritual leader of Tibet. His new name was assumed and that is Jamphel Ngawang Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso. In November 1950, when he was only the age of 15, he was introduced as Tibet’s temporal leader in a ceremony in Lhasa. After that he spent most of the next decade trying to avoid a full-scale military takeover of Tibet by Chinese forces. The holiness of Dalai Lama began from his monastic education at the age of six. Five major and five minor subjects were included in the curriculum of study. Those subjects are Sanskrit,

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